Gilbert High school AZ-941 AFJROTC
Home of the Tigers
Varsity Armed Regulation
4 Person Exhibition
Varsity Color guard.
Varsity Armed Regulation
Drill Competitions are a chance for cadets to meet and interact with cadets from other JROTCs (including those from other branches), showcase the skills and techniques they have learned in our Drill A-hour, and socialize with their fellow team members outside of school.
State champions for three years
Podium placement 1st year Color Guard for two years
Bull Head City (Mohave):
1st in 4-person Armed Exhibition
3rd in 1st year Color Guard
3rd in the PT competition
Individually, cadets placed:
2nd in the Rifle Twirl Off (C/SMSgt Gallares)
3rd in the Rifle Twirl Off (C/Lt Col McCutchen)
At the South Mountain (Gallegos Invitational) competition we placed:
1st in 10-person Armed Exhibition
1st in 4-person Armed Exhibition
1st in Armed Sweepstakes
2nd in 10-person Unarmed Regulation
2nd in Unarmed Duo
Individually, cadets placed:
1st in the Armed Solo (C/SMSgt Gallares)
2nd in the Armed Solo (C/Lt Col McCutchen)
3rd in the Armed Drilldown (C/ Lt Col Murray)
Whole AZ-941 corps after earning eight trophies at the Gallegos competition.
1st place winning 10-person Armed Team.
2nd place winning 10-person Unarmed Team.
1st place winning 4-person Armed Team.
Left--right: C/SMSgt Gallares, C/Lt Col McCutchen, C/2nd Lt Boudreau, C/Col Mann
1st place winning 4-person Armed Team.
Left--right: C/SMSgt Gallares, C/Lt Col McCutchen, C/2nd Lt Boudreau, C/Col Mann
Solo Awards
1st place: C/SMSgt Gibson Gallares (Left)
2nd place: C/Lt Col Anthony McCutchen